Lake Wisconsin Evangelical Free Church

LWEFC Sermons

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Luke 3:1-20

Senior Pastor, Robert Dennison, preached this message on March 3, 2024. I invite you to take your Bibles today and turn to Luke chapter three. While we’re having service today, if you think about it, pray for the junior high, it’s middle school here, is it right? What do we call it? Middle school. I grew up in junior high. I think there are 23 that are gone on the middle school retreat. So pray for them as they’re wrapping ...
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Luke 2:21-38

You can be finding your way to Luke chapter 2. Again, we’re going through the book of Luke. The two questions ever on our mind in regard to the gospel, because in one sense, everything shared here is the gospel, the good news. The question that’s begged every time we read, every time we hear, every time we’re confronted with any of the gospel is, do you believe and will you follow? We go to Luke chapter 5 where the ...
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Luke 1:67-80

All the Gospels just want us to remember and think about this. It boils down to two questions in every passage that we read. Do you believe, and will you follow? Luke had 35 years of eyewitness testimony that went back before Jesus was even born about what happened to bring about the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior, and every miracle that he shares, every preaching that he shares, every prayer, we have to ask these questions. Do ...
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Mary’s Praise of God’s Character – Luke 1:46-56

“Mary’s Praise of God’s Character” Luke 1:46-56 Senior Pastor, Robert Dennison, preached this message on February 4, 2024. Luke chapter 1 verses 46 through 56. As we look at the topic today, Mary’s praise of God’s character. Today we’re going to be looking at the character of God through the eyes of a young woman who is living in what she calls a humble condition. She’s from an insignificant town that’s far from any big city, far from the offices ...
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Prayer Line

We believe prayer is at the foundation of our faith and central to our lives as individuals and as a church. It is our honor to pray for you and with you!
If you have a prayer request you want our team to know about, call 608-592-3091 and leave us a message. Our prayer team and prayer warriors within our congregation will lift up your requests!